‘ASTRO DV’, the first Astronomical organization on the Far East of Russia, was found on December 2005 in Vladivostok (Russia).
Our main purpose is reviving the astronomy among the people interests and the popularization of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology on the Far East and all over the world. We have the great archive with materials, photos and video of planets, meteors, sun, moon, different atmospherically phenomenas, unique historical materials about astronomy on the Far East.
We have not very good situation with popularization astronomy on the Far East because many schools refused from astronomy as a subject and universities has astronomy only as the optional subject. On the Far East we have the only one observatory in Ussuriysk - The Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory
of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The founders of organization:
- 1. Alexander Suchanov – bachelor of phis.- math. Sciences, professor of the faculty the general physic, IphIT departments of Far Eastern State University, the specialist in theoretical astronomy, the teacher of astronomy in local schools and in the Far Eastern State University . He is the head of our organization.
- 2. Svetlana Korytko – coordinator of the project, journalist, astronomer amateur.
- 3. Alex Matkin – student of IphIT departments of Far Eastern State University, astronomer amateur.
- 4. Yan Savitskiy – operator of the 1-st channel company, astronomer amateur.
- 5. Pavel Pechearin - astronomer amateur.
- OUR equipment:
- 1. The telescope is made of a standard telephoto lens "Rubinar" - 10/1000 and standard eyepiece prefixes "Tourist-FL". Thus the increase makes 111-x. At length of all device 36 sm.
- 2. The fotocamera " Sony DSC-T7 " 5.1Mp. A videomode: MPEG-1, 640 *480, 30 fr./sec; 3-x optical zoom on the camera.
We collaborate with:
- 1. The Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory
of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (www.uafo.ru).
- 2. Alexander Kremenchutskiy (the ‘host’ support on the web-site - http://www.astrogalaxy.ru)
- 3. Tobias Owen (Astronomer Ph.D., University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy)
- informational exchange.
- 3. Valeriy Dvuzhilniy – biologist (dvug@mail.ru).
- 4. Newspaper “Far Eastern scientist” – informational support.
- 5. Magazine “Fishka” - informational support.
- 6. Alex Moiseyev - astronomer amateur, web support on www.astroobserv.narod.ru
The plans of our projects:
- 1. To buy professional equipment for more qualitative observation
- 2. To rent premises for observing for schools, universities and for the children from orphanage.
- 3. To organize seminars and lectures 2 times per week with observation.
- 4. To produce Far Eastern astronomical newspaper/journal/brochure 1 time per 6 months.
- 5. To organize Far-Eastern international conferences/meetings to develop and to consolidate astronomical relationships.
- 6. To organize trips/excursions to The Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for children, students and foreign visitors.
- 7. To renew information on our site: http://www.astrogalaxy.ru/454.html regularly.
- 8. To exchange by the information and experience with foreign astronomical organizations, observatories, associations.
- 9. To publish a book “ The history of astronomy on the Far East” in English and in Russian (now we have only 1 copy in Russian written by Svetlana Korytko).
- 10. To collaborate with everyone who has any interests in astronomy and encourage different ideas and doings in this sphere.
We accept offers of any financial aid, grants to realize plans of our projects.
We invite you to collaborate with us.
Our contact address:
Russia, 690013, Vladivostok, 13, Ladygin street, apt.144
Svetlana Korytko – coordinator of the project
Tel. (22) 96-40-25
About The Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory (UAPhO)
In 1998 Institute of Physics and Information Technologies and UAPhO have concluded an agreement about mutual collaboration and joint preparation of specialists in astronomy area. Students of 4-5 study years of astronomy and geodesy department will be able to pass their scientific training in UAPhO. In order of this agreement excursions of students IPhIT and other departments of Far Eastern State University are realized regularly.
History and Location
The Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory (UAPhO) was founded at 1954, as a "Station of Service of the Sun". The coordinates of the Observatory are: the latitude is 43 40 N, the longitude is 132 09 E, and the altitude of about 260 m above sea level. It is located in Gornotaeznoe near from Ussuriysk about 27 km to Southeast, and about 100 km from Vladivostok to Northeast.
Since the moment of its foundation, UAPhO carries out observations of sunspots and faculae. These data complete the Russian Observational Series obtaining at the Kislovodsk Observatory, which therefore practically has no data gaps. Since 1958, patrol H-alpha observations are carried out at UAPhO. Starting with 1959, the solar radio flux is measured at the wave of 1.4 m. Observations of radio emission and radio bursts at the 10 cm wavelength are also carried out since 1970.
The radio observations make it possible to record non-stationary
processes on the Sun, independently of weather.
Besides three laboratories of astrophysical character, the Ussuriysk Observatory includes also a geomagnetic station "Vladivostok". The results of solar and geomagnetic observations are sent to the Russian and World Data Centers where the cosmophysical data are collected. Recently, observations of the "night-sky" objects (planets, comets and asteroids) have been started with using a 40-cm double astrograph.
The information obtaining at the Ussuriysk Observatory is used by a number of scientific institutions for investigations in field of Solar-terrestrial physics, and for forecasting of solar and geomagnetic activity.
At the UAPhO, there is a rather efficient scientific collective. There are 1 doctor and 4 candidates of sciences among 15 research workers of the Observatory.
The basic directions of the researches are: structure and dynamics of the solar magnetic field, physics of active processes, kinematics of magnetic features and sunsports, cyclic activity of the Sun, variations of the solar diameter and the solar constant, influence of solar activity on the Earth.
On an extent of last 25 years, the scientific collective have published 14 collected books of articles, and 3 monographies. At 1996, regular publication with annual periodicity has been begun of the collected book of articles. The titl of the collected book is "Solar activity and its effect on the Earth".
The available basic astronomical instruments of UAPhO:
- a) A Photosphere-Chromosperic Telescope. The photospheric tube with 130-mm objective diameter permits one to get a photoheliogram with a 78-mm image of the Sun in white light. The chromospheric tube of the telescope (objective diameter is 65 mm, focal lenght 680 mm) is used in the combination with the Liot-type filter and film camera for H-alpha patrol observations of solar flares.
- b) A horizontal solar telescope with 440 mm coelostat mirror. The main spherical mirror has a diameter of 440 mm, and a focal length of 17500 mm. The telescope has both a Cassegrain and Newton system. There is a spectrograph (in autocollimation) with a camera mirror focal length of 6966 mm and focal ratio of f/58. A working range of wavelength is 3000-11000 A, with dispersion of 2.55 A per mm in the fourth order.
- c) A Coude refractor (a 150-mm aperture and a 8-meter equivalent focal length).
- d) A large coronograph of design by Nikolsky, with a Coude mirror. Its main objective has a diameter of 530 mm, a focal length of 8000 mm and an equivalent focal length of 12500 mm. The coronograph has a stationary spectrograph with a dispersion of 1 A per mm in the second order. In addition, there are several cameras, H-alpha and K CaII filters (Halle). The registration of the information is carried out on a photographic film and at the help CCD camera. The Coronograph works since 1981.
- e) 40-cm double astrograph (a 3-meter focal length and a field of view of 6*6 degrees) of firm by K.Zeiss that makes it possible to observe weak sky objects using both photo-plates of 300*300 mm and CCD-cameras (ST-6, EDC-1000HR) for registration of the images.
- f) Radio telescope on equatorial mount with the 2-meters parabolic reflector, and the receiver on 2800 ŒHz. Regular solar patrol is carried out since 1970.
- g) Radio telescope on azimuth mount with the 8-meters parabolic antenna, and receivers on the frequencies of 600, 750 and 1000 ŒHz.
The radio telescope works since 1993.
- h) Moreover, the observatory disposes of the laboratory equipment for processing of astrophotographies (ASKORECORD and automatical microdensitometer), and of modern computers.
A specialized library has a collection of about 15000 volumes, including both Russian and foreign publications. The library is a branch of the Main Scientific Library of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Russia, Primorsky Kray, 692533 Gornotaezhnoe
Tel. (8241)91121
The director of the Observatory is Dr. Alexander V. Baranov:
- Updated by Astrogalaxy, 21.01.2006